Friday, October 2, 2009

Payment Information

As informed by Ms. Mariani, assistant to Mr. Larrie Tan via her e-mail message dated 5th May 2009, residents can now pay the monthly security fee to PV Neighbourhood Watch’s Maybank Current Account (A/C No. 5111-86315-316). Read further below details about this account. You may transfer fund directly to the account e.g. by ATM or Internet Banking or by cheques. In all cases, the payee name can be anyone of the following:
  • Mr. Tan Meng Fu, or 
  • Mr. Tiong Ching Luang, or
  • Mr. Kho Liang Kung 

Payment to be made preferably on half yearly basis (RM600) or yearly basis (RM1200) in order to minimise admistrative efforts.

The security service was engaged since April 2009. All households are expected to pay the monthly fee starting from April 2009, or upon moving into the neighbourhood to ensure adequate fund required to support the security services. 

When you have banked in your payment to the account, kindly notify the Secretary, Mr. Michael Tiong ( with a copy of bank transaction, with your name and lot number to assist tracking of payment.

The monthly fee is RM100.00 for each household. This amount will be reviewed from time to time. The priority is to ensure that there is sufficient fund to maintain the monthly expenses required for the security service as well as utilities such as electricity bill for the guard house and maintenance of entry/exit barriers. If there is excess money available, as more residents move in to contribute to the fund in the future, decision will be jointly taken by committee members and all PV residents with respect to the usage of money such as for maintenance of common area/facilities/infrastructure.

Kindly take note that the current bank account is a “caretaker account” registered jointly in the names of the committee Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer chiefly to facilitate payment to the security company and collection of fees from residents. Cheques issued out from this bank account shall require ALL three signatories. All transactions and expenses are recorded by the Treasurer and available for review by any residents upon request or during general meetings. Once the PV neighhourhood committee (Rukun Tetangga) is formally registered, an official bank account shall be established for use.

The security company that is currently engaged is KPD Security Services. They are an established company currently providing similar services for other clients which include offices and schools in Miri. There are two shifts per day, with two guards on each shift.

KPD Security Services Sdn Bhd (417285-K)
Suib Bin Saad, Chief Security Officer 0138303747/0128503747
Miri Branch: 2nd Floor, Lot 1985, Jln Pentas, Morsjaya Riam, Miri 085439323

If you have any complaints or suggestions in relation to the security service rendered by KPD Security Services or improvement of security at Prima Villa in general, please do note hesitate to write to the committee.

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