Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Email from Michael Tiong (Treasurer) dated 10th March 2010

Dear fellow neighbours,

Greetings! I wish to inform that our neighbourhood watch security fund (PVNC account) is having negative balance after the payment of February 2010 security fee to KPD.

This could possibly because some of our fellow neighbours have overlook the payment for the monthly security fee (as some was paying few months in advance). Therefore, on behalf of PVNC committee, I wish to urge and remind our fellow neighbours to check your last submission of security fee, it will be glad if you may submit the overdue amount soon to cover the neighbourhood’s security expenses.

Please take note , the half-yearly advance payment (RM100 X 6 months = RM600) can be accepted. Please bank in to PVNC accounts:

If you have any question or inquiry please contact us.

Thank you for your attention and your prompt action will be appreciated.

Best Regards
Michael C. L. Tiong
P. O. Box 1881
98008. Miri, Sarawak,

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