Friday, December 5, 2008

Notes from the dialogue session with YB Lee

Email sent by Richard Kho on 4 December 2008

Dear all,

Next proposed meeting for the residents of Prima Villa and the committee is 2:30 pm, Saturday 13 Dec, at House 48. Thanks to Michael Tiong for offering his house.

Michael, appreciate if you will re-confirm to all.

Notes from the dialogue session with YB Lee.

Who made it: me, Eugene, Doris, Mrs Tay, Frederick, Michael, Michelle, Rebecca (I think I missed a couple of names - my apologies)

The following topics were discussed:

1. Telecom
Interesting enough, YB Lee kicked-off by sharing a session he has had with Telekom Malaysia and Naim, apparently held sometime in Sept 08. It turned out that he's been progressing matter between TM and Naim to resolve telecom matters related to Permyjaya areas, and Prima Villa is listed as one of areas. He showed us a table indicating that Naim has agreed to pay (including Prima Villa), and TM agreeing to delivering the solution in 6 months after payment. At the session, there was no clarity as to whether Naim has actually paid as of today. YB Lee was then on the phone with someone from TM (missed his name) and there was mentioning of technical/commercial matters related to cabling (underground cabling in PV) and there is lack of clarity on whether these matters have been fully resolved or not. So conclusion - Need to confirm whether Naim has paid and to also ensure that Naim will pay conclusively to resolve matters related to the underground cabling in PV.

2. DeConnexion wifi
Residents raised that the above does not work well. Michelle who lives close to tower threathened to knock down the telecom tower in front of her house (joke). YB Lee got on phone and contacted senior person in DeConnexion/Danawa, and asked to send someone quickly to look into matters. DeConnexion called back to say it seems to be working. Asked for contact persons to follow-up on status. Michelle's and Eugene's kindly volunteered and their mobile numbers given via YB Lee to DeConnexion for follow-up. Michelle/Eugene, do update us!

3. Sarawak Gas
Sarawak Gas is ready to connect once we reach 60 pax. Basically all of you to go sign up! YB Lee called someone senior in Sarawak Gas and confirmed this. Frederick has volunteered to pay a visit to Sarawak Gas to get list of PV residents that have signed up. Forms available from Larrie or from Sarawak Gas. It costs you RM100 ringgit to sign up - this is not subscription to the gas. When the gas line is connected to PV, then you can subscribe and pay the connection fee. The connection fee is RM 1xxx (can't remember) but you can pay by installment over many years. The gas is cheap - almost free, so in the end, you should be paying about 1 tank of gas every month. My two cents - gas tanks are dangerous in many ways (burglers use them to break in, etc) and you should use cheap gas to heat your water (or sunlight better still), not precious electricity.

4. Security
Nothing YB Lee can do specifically on this. Kindly suggested forming neighbourhood committe, RELA, etc - nothing we/you don't already know. Residents shared concerns. YB Lee called up senior guy in Naim who now heads up Property Department - Vincent Kueh and conveyed resident's concerns. Asked Vincent Kueh to do something it. Give us Vincent Kueh's mobile and PV committee to contact him for follow-up.


- A useful a dialogue to share our views and exchange ideas with YB Lee (and in fact with YB Andy Chia as well very briefly whilst we were waiting)

- We didn't really solve any of above problems yet. But importantly, YB Lee called up senior folks in TM, Naim, Danawa and Swak Gas. This hopefully gives us the weight needed when we talk to Naim, etc later.

In order to move forward, next proposed meeting for the residents of Prima Villa and the committee is Saturday 13 Dec, at House 48. Thanks to Michael Tiong for offering his house.

House 5546

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