Monday, December 29, 2008

Notes from Meeting at House 48 on 14 December 2008

A dozen or so residents attended this meeting: Khoo, Sim, Rasyid, Phyllis, Frederick, Lee, Wan Chung, Rebecca, Charlie, David Tiong, Larrie, Patrick, Eugene, Chritopher, me and a few others whom I may have forgotten. The main objective of the meeting was really to provide some feedback on the issues that was discussed at the YB Lee dialogue, for those that could not attend the dialogue themselves.

Disclaimer: These are views separately expressed by various residents at the meeting, and recorded to my best ability. These records may not be 100% accurate and should not be interpreted as the collective view of residents nor they represent my individual view on the matters.

According to Frederick who went to check at the Sarawak Gas recently, as of 10 Dec 2008 there were 22 residents that have registered. The required number is 60, for Sarawak Gas to connect to the area. Do spread the words to your neighbours and also friends of yours that you know moving to Prima Villa soon.

To get a signal boost, contact Danawa the company that runs the wifi service.

NAIM to pay TM for connection to be made. This needs follow up with NAIM for latest status.

Committee to contact NAIM for further discussion.

Suggestion was made that NAIM to organise improved security arrangement, and residents to contribute a reasonable amount of fees. An example of an area that was quoted with such arrangement is Taman Bayshore.

Other security related suggestions or issues raised by residents that need discussion with NAIM:
- There’s a CCTV at guard house but was reported not to have correct date and time
- Some contractors have their workers living on-site – this may require some control
- Suggestion was made that NAIM should tighten access control past midnight (e.g. mandatory registration for all persons)
- Need to control speed limit – all residents are reminded to drive slowly, should consider speed bumps?
- Residents reported damage by irresponsible contractors on road surfaces, etc - this requires better control
- The covered drains have a lot of soil and debris – these need to be cleared up to improve drainage

Sim made a plea to all residents to help look out for one another. Exchange contact numbers with your adjacent / nearby neighbours. When noticing other houses’ alarms are triggered, contact the house owner if possible and/or investigate as required. Look out for suspicious persons, alert and/or report accordingly to the authority.

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