Monday, April 19, 2010

PV Neighhourhood Potluck BBQ

Big thanks to Ahmad "Penn" Mahmud (Lot 142) and Sofian Yusof (Lot 114) who were the masterminds behind this event for organising the venue, the tents, the banner and the all important BBQ pits plus the very yummy lamb and chicken! And of course bravo to all residents for your generous contribution of food and drinks and your attendance to make this 2nd neighhourhood get together yet another great success, on a bright sunny Sunday afternoon! The folks from AMPS were on the ground to explain, discuss and answer queries regarding their impending service at Prima Villa. For those that couldn't make the event on the 18th April, here are some of what you have missed!

The party was in full swing by 4:30pm!

 A great turn-out!

A lot of food!

Penn in action

Residents in action

Charlie in action

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