Friday, April 2, 2010

Security Matter in Prima Villa and Survey Questionaire

Dear PV residents,

I apologise that this notice is coming out a little late as I was on travel the last few days.

IMPORTANT - please help to fill out the questionnaire attached to this email. We need volunteers to help distribute the questionare and this email in hardcopy, and/or help with translation, please get in touch ASAP.


You will have noticed that the guard house is unmanned since 1 April 2010. The reason is that the committee have suspended the service of KPD Security. We appreciate that residents will be surprised and we deeply regret any anxiety and concerns that may have arisen as a result of this sudden development.

Rest assured that this was not a decision taken lightly and the committee is working towards reinstating the security arrangement as soon as possible.

We have started communication with another company AMPS (who is currently servicing Greenville). The company is prepared to commence their service as soon as we are able to confirm and we believe it is able to provide security service of higher quality.

However, until we are certain of the commitment from sufficient number of residents to ensure there is sufficient funding to financially sustain the payments to the security company, it would not be feasible to engage the service of the new company.

The Treasurer is currently assessing the financial situation and commitment level, hence the questionnaire attached to this email for your attention. We hope to advise details as soon as possible.

Please get in touch with myself or any other committee members if you have any queries regarding the security service and your payment.

Get Together on the 18 April

Thanks to Penn (Lot 142 aka Oasis) and Sofian (Lot 114) who have volunteered to stage our next neighbourhood get together in Prima Villa.

PV Neighbourhood Gathering “Potluck BBQ”
Date: SUNDAY, 18 April 2010.
Time: 4 pm
Location: Empty area in front of Lot 114 (Sofian).

All residents, friends, etc, everybody are invited!

Richard Kho
On behalf of the Neighbourhood Committee

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