Saturday, May 1, 2010

Refund of PV Security Fee April 2010 Onwards

Message from Michael Tiong, Treasurer / email 29 April 2010

Dear fellow neighbours of Prima Villa,

Greetings. Please be inform the committee has came to the decision to refund the security fee previously collected (for month of Apr 2010 onwards) following the reinstate of security service by new service provider - AMPS. As AMPS will take over the collecting of security fee, neighbours are encouraged to pay direct to AMPS when they come to collect the fees.

We are now in the midst of preparing refund for those who had paid their PV security fee for April 2010 and onwards. Attached herewith the full list in detail for your reference.If any one have paid but your record is not yet listed, please inform us by e-mail (to: , cc: with your bank-in slip or fund transfer evidence for us to update the file as soon as possible.

Again, our join name account require all the Three account holder to sign the cheque therefore may take a week or Two, if any one wish to request refund immediately please inform us by e-mail I try make separate arrangement. 

Thank you for your understanding and kind attention.
Best Regards
Michael C. L. Tiong
P. O. Box 1881
98008. Miri, Sarawak,

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